48v dc motor speed controller circuit para Leigos

48v dc motor speed controller circuit para Leigos

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A traditional BDC motor controller circuit is an H-bridge. This is an electronic circuit with four open/close switches that supply positive and negative voltage by turns.

Our goal is to control the speed of a DC motor using an Arduino UNO and a potentiometer. A MOSFET is used because we can't drive a high-power inductive load with just the logic level output of the Arduino UNO. The MOSFET is placed between the Arduino UNO and the motor, effectively acting as a motor driver. The MOSFET is connected to the 9th pin of the Arduino UNO via a 1k Ohm resistor to limit the current.

As with Project 2, the 9V batteries depict the motor battery power supply. The black module in the middle of the breadboard depicts the L298N motor driver module with the connections as described earlier.

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For example, if you touch the base with your finger it could cause current into the base and the motor will rotate. This is not mandatory but it is good to include to reduce chances of accidental starting of the DC motor. The DC motor is connected as load at the collector. 

If the button is pressed if the figure, then the motor will start rotating and it will be in motion until the button is pressed. This pressing is continuous and is represented in the first wave of figure. If, for a case, consider button is pressed for 8ms and opened for 2ms over a cycle of 10ms, during this case the motor will not experience the complete 9V battery voltage as the button is pressed only for 8ms, so the RMS terminal voltage across the motor will be around 7V.

Implementing a feedback control system, we faced a problem with the microcontroller that couldn’t process the encoder signal outputs.

Hey, I’ve updated the article and include a link to the EasyEDA project file. Please check the section of the PCB design above and you will find it.

The BLDC motor has a different from brushed dc motor to number of leads, and the connection is more complicated.

The armature control method is used where speed below the pelo-load speed is required. It also has poor speed regulation and low efficiency.

In a DC series motor, the flux can be varied in different ways like diverting the field current, tapping the field current at different points in the field winding and paralleling the field coils. Let us discuss them in detail.

Applying current when the rotor position is unknown may cause the rotor to turn in the wrong direction. The use of sensors prevents this problem.

The output of the 555 timer can sink or source a current of 200mA to the load. So if the motor that we want to control exceeds this rating we need to use a transistor or a MOSFET for driving the motor. In this example, I used a (TIP122) Darlington transistor which can handle a current up to 5A.


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